RUNNING HEAD: Annotated bibliography for research paper on cloning stem cells.
Annotated Bibliography: Cloning Stem Cells
Andrea Albano
Professor Wielgos
College Writing 2
My paper will be about the ethics of cloning stem cells. It will make the argument that cloning is actually a useful to in determining how scientist can make a treatment for a disease. In addition, it will contain some myths that people associate with cloning stem cells and the negative side of cloning stem cells.
Byrne, J. A., Pedersen, D. A., Clepper, L. L., Nelson, M., Sanger, W. G., Gokhale, S., . . . Mitalipov, S. M. (2007). Producing primate embryonic stem cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Nature, 450(7169), 497-502. doi:
These authors have their Ph.D.’s in the medical field. In this article, the authors talk about how there is proof that therapeutic cloning is successful in primates. In the cloning in primates, there are positive and negative aspects, in which this article talks about. In addition, they refer to the success of nuclear reprogramming in adult stem cells into embryonic stem cells. This article, like Wadman’s article, will help me show that there has been success in the cloning of animals.
Fadel, H. (2012). Developments in stem cell research and therapeutic cloning: Islamic ethical positions, a review. Bioethics, 26(3), 128-135. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8519.2010.01840.x
There have been many debates on stem cell cloning. Hossam Fadel, a Muslim Obstertrician & Gynecologist for fifty years, has made a point that some religions find it acceptable for stem cells to be cloned. Muslims, encourage stem cell cloning and therapeutic cloning to happen, but the embryonic stem cell cannot be cloned just for the purpose of research. It’s acceptable for research if it is trying to find a cure for a disease. Making my argument, this article will show that certain people find it acceptable just because it is helping in finding cures.
Jong-Hoon, K., Auerbach, J. M., Rodriguez-Gomez, J., Velasco, I., & al, e. (2002). Dopamine neurons derived from embryonic stem cells function in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease. Nature, 418(6893), 50-6. doi:
These authors all have their Ph.D. Parkinson’s disease is a never known disease with no cure. This disease is most of the time associated with stem cell research. Currently, Michael J. Fox, a famous actor with Parkinson’s disease, is helping an organization to make it acceptable for stem cells to be cloned for the purpose of trying to find a cure for Parkinson’s. Scientists have been trying to find a cure using embryonic stem cell cloning. This will help me make the point in which scientists are using stem cells to find cures.
Korobkin, Russell (2007) Stem cell research and the cloning wars. Stanford Law & Policy Review, ISSN 1044-4386, 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1, p. 161
Russell Korobkin is a professor of law at UCLA school of law. There he teaches Contract, Negotiation, and Health Care Law. Korobkin states that us as humans have forty-six chromosomes. If any of these cells are damaged, scientist can repair them with a cloning technique called Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). Through SCNT, scientists can replace damaged tissue and possible damaged organs. This article will help me make the argument that cloning the stem cells could help prevent diseases and help develop treatments.
Lim, H. A. (2006). Multiplicity Yours : Cloning, Stem Cell Research, and Regenerative Medicine. New Jersey: World Scientific. (265-285). eBook.
Hwa A. Lim, CEO of MIRAHI. Inc and a Professor of Molecular and Cell Biology, has made some points about different policies in different countries. He also makes references to case studies all around the world. In this article, these scientists show how successful or not successful these case studies were pretending to stem cell research. In my argument, I will make points on how different countries have different policies for stem cell cloning. I will also explain case studies involving stem cell research.
Revel, M. (2008). Research on human embryonic stem cells and cloning for stem cells. Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics, 14(1), 4-14. Retrieved from untid=12073
Many people believe that if scientists clone a human embryonic stem cell, the cell itself will be cloned, but that is not the case. The human embryonic stem cell is not the cell that is being cloned. In many countries, cloning embryonic stem cells is being researched. Some have made the discovery that cloning embryonic stem cells can help with transplants without your body rejecting the stem cells. This will help make my argument in which embryonic stem cells are not the cells that are being cloned. It’s the nucleus of the embryonic stem cell. It will also help me show the ethical issues that arise with human embryonic stem cells.
Shostak, S. (2002). Becoming Immortal : Combining Cloning and Stem-cell Therapy. Albany: State University of New York Press. (9-15). eBook.
Stanley Shostak, an Ph.D. in biological science at Brown University, talks about how two scientists had cloned a livestock, named Dolly, by using stem cell cloning. From this event, ethical questions had risen into if they can clone a livestock, than scientist can clone a human or how moral is it that researchers have cloned a stem cell. This cloning will help make the point that stem cell cloning was once successful and an important event that helped rise all the ethical questioning about cloning stem cells.
Wadman, M. (2007). Cloning special: Dolly: A decade on. Nature, 445(7130), 800-1. doi:
When scientist cloned a livestock, Dolly was born. When everyone heard about Dolly, the cloned livestock, questions about how ethical cloning was arose. Since then, there have been many successes with researcher in cloning stem cells. From when Dolly was cloned to the present, there have been many discoveries with cloning animals while using stem cells. I will state the progress of stem cell cloning from when Dolly was born to the present.